Friday, February 27, 2009

Trojan Women--Extra Credit

The Greeks regarded the words of their great playwrights as "theopneutos," i.e., God-breathed. Do you agree? Cite a line or two from Euripides' "Trojan Women" that might show why the Greeks regarded writers like Euripides as almost equivalent to prophets. Explain why you find this line/these lines inspired or inspiring.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Daniel (Extra Credit)

Please read Chapters 1-7 and Chapter 12 of Daniel. Pick out a verse or passage that seems to you a good example of the way the Hebrews provided ethical guidance or emotional fulfillment to the members of their society. If you like, you might also comment on how the ideas in that verse/passage might have helped Judaism survive despite the many challenges and threats the Jews have faced through history.